
Official website of the Grotiana Foundation

Grotiana journal

About the journal

Grotiana appears under the auspices of the Grotiana Foundation. The journal’s leading objective is the furtherance of the Grotian tradition. It welcomes any relevant contribution to a better understanding of Grotius’ life and works. At the same time close attention will be paid to Grotius’ relevance for present-day thinking about world problems. Grotiana therefore intends to be a forum for exchanges concerning the philosophical, ethical and legal fundamentals of the search for an international order.

For more information, check us out on the website of Brill: Grotiana – Brill


Hans Blom (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Mark Somos (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law)

Editorial board

Thomas Ahnert (University of Edinburgh)
Silke-Petra Bergjan (University of Zurich)
Camilla Boisen (New York University Abu Dhabi)
Alberto Clerici (Niccolò Cusano University)
Frank Grunert (Halle University)
Knud Haakonssen (University of Sussex, emeritus)
Peter Haggenmacher (Graduate Institute of International Studies, HEI and University of Geneva, emeritus)
Inge van Hulle (Leuven University)
Francesca Iurlaro (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg)
Lydia Janssen (Leuven University)
Béla Kapossy (University of Lausanne)
Michael Kempe (Leibniz Archiv, Hannover)
Randall Lesaffer (Leuven University & Tilburg University)
Johannes Magliano-Tromp (Leiden University)
Sarah Mortimer (Oxford University)
Henk Nellen (Huygens Institute, Amsterdam)
Guus van Nifterik (University of Amsterdam)
Janne Nijman (University of Amsterdam)
Mark Somos (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg)
Rens Steenhard (Peace Palace Library)
Richard Tuck (Harvard University)
Jeroen Vervliet (Peace Palace Library)
Jan Waszink (VU Amsterdam)
Bart Wauters (IE University Madrid)